Varnell Parks & Recreation – Clyde William Pavilion 00 11 16-1
Invitation to Bid
DOCUMENT 00 11 16
INVITATION TO BID Project: Varnell Parks & Recreation
Clyde Williams Pavilion
4713 GA. HWY 2
Dalton, Georgia 30721
Owner: City of Varnell
Varnell Parks & Recreation
1025 Tunnel Hill -Varnell Rd. Dalton, Georgia 30720
Architect/Engineer: Carlson & Carlson Architects
311 N. Hamilton Street
Dalton, Georgia 30720
Date: 07.22.2024
City of Varnell Board council members are seeking responders to submit a signed, single Prime Bid on the following project for the VARNELL PARKS & RECREATION DEPT – CLYDE WILLIAMS PAVILION. The project consists of providing all materials, appurtenances and labor to construct a single level, 4,816 sq. ft. open pavilion with performance platform and public restrooms. Complete Scope of Work is detailed in the Construction Plans & Bid Documents available from the architect, Carlson & Carlson Architects. Email request for Bid Documents to
Bidding Documents may be purchased directly from Dalton Print Shop, Inc. located at 118 W. Cuyler Street, Dalton
Ga. 30720; 706-226-1624
A Pre-Bid meeting will be held on Thursday, August 08, 2024 at 2:00 PM at the Varnell Park location at 4713 GA- HWY 2, Dalton, GA 30721 (in case of inclement weather, we will meet in the gymnasium – same address).
Refer to other bidding requirements described in Document 00 21 13 – Instructions to Bidders
All project documents, drawings and specifications are the property of the Owner, Architect and their agents. Unauthorized use of any kind, including electronic versions published by outside sources, is strictly prohibited. The Owner, Architect and their agents will not be held liable for any content published by others relating to this project. As such, it is the Contractor, Subcontractor, Vendor or Supplier’s responsibility to perform due diligence when obtaining project information.
Submit your Bid on the Bid Form provided. Bidders may supplement this form as appropriate. Bidders will not be required to provide Bid security.
Invitation to Bid
00 11 16-1
Varnell Parks & Recreation – Clyde William Pavilion 00 11 16-2
Invitation to Bid
Any Bid submitted in response to this Request shall remain open for acceptance by the Board, and same shall be honored by the contractor, for a period of thirty (30) days from the date set forth hereinabove for the receipt of Bids.
The City of Varnell Municipality encourages participation by minority businesses to submit bids for this construction project. The Owner shall award public contracts without regard to race, religion, color, creed, national origin, sex, age or handicapping condition.
The City of Varnell reserves the right to accept or reject any and all Bids, to waive formalities, technicalities or irregularities and to re-advertise if necessary. Award will be made based on the lowest responsive and responsible bid that has met the requirements of this bid’s criteria. The contract between City of Varnell and the selected responder shall be subject to the payment agreement drawn up between City of Varnell and the selected responder.
Submittal Deadline
All responses to this ITB must be submitted in hard copy by no later than 2:00 p.m., on Tuesday, August 20,
2024. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 2:05 p.m. Bids received after said time will not be considered. The envelope shall state “BID – VPR – CLYDE WILLIAMS PAVILION” to prevent accidental opening. Bids shall be identified on the exterior of the sealed envelope with all the information required by law, including the name of the project and the bidder’s name, address and GC license number, expiration date and classification.
Please address the Bid submittal to:
Mr. Mike Brown, City Administrator
City of Varnell Council Members
1025 Tunnel Hill – Varnell Rd. Dalton, GA 30720
Invitation to Bid
00 11 16-2